标段 #1:文礼湖地标
Project #1: Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings
全部招标竞赛 All Competitions

Quzhou is planning to construct landmark buildings representing the image of the city. The International Competition for Conceptual Design of Landmark Buildings of Quzhou consists of 2 projects. Project #1 is the Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings, open for institutions and individuals; and Project #2 is the Intelligent Island Landmark Buildings, open for institutions only.

This competition was launched on January 31, 2023, and attracted 489 design companies / individuals from 19 countries around the world. Participating institutions included design teams led by winners of top international architectural awards, Academicians, as well as National Engineering Survey and Design Masters. There were also renowned design companies with numerous masterpieces in the field of high-rise and landmark buildings, and a number of emerging design offices. Participating individuals included professional designers from top design companies globally, as well as students from 19 universities.

The Concept Proposal Review Results (for Individuals) and winning schemes have been announced on March 11, 2023. The first prize winner is HE Yongru from One Plus One, and the name of the proposal is "Window of Quzhou".

Winning Schemes from Project #1 for Individuals

The Scheme Review Results (for Institutions) and design schemes have been announced on May 11, 2023. Scheme Review Committee selected 3 finalists (without ranking) to enter Phase IIl, and also determined 2 Shortlisted Prizes (without ranking).

The Competition Results were officially announced on July 29, 2024. The Final Evaluation Committee voted by open ballot (one-round vote) and determined that office PROJECT had won the First Prize, while the other 2 finalists were awarded the Second Prizes.

Winning Schemes from Project #1 for Institutions

This page is the Homepage for Project #1 Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings, for information on Project #2 please visit the Homepage for Project #2 Intelligent Island Landmark Buildings.

竞赛背景Competition Background

Quzhou is located in the west of Zhejiang, the beginning of Qiantang River, the border of Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian and Jiangxi. Quzhou is committed to build a central city on the boundaries of four provinces, to become a bridgehead for Zhejiang's economic expansion to the midwestern provinces, and to become a new growth point for Zhejiang's economic development.

The High-Speed Railway New Town is a new planned area in Quzhou, which will be developed by relying on the Quzhouxi Railway Station and will become the gateway to the west of Quzhou. Quzhou has previously held several international competitions for urban design and architectural design, which aims to gather the strength of elite teams from around the world to create a new town of Quzhou, the High-Speed Railway New Town, with cutting-edge, pioneering design concepts. So far, several excellent design projects such as Quzhouxi Railway Station and Quzhou Sports Park have been implemented in High-Speed Railway New Town, and the construction of other cultural, industrial and commercial & office projects is in full swing.

In this context, Quzhou aims to construct landmark buildings representing the image of Quzhou. The landmark buildings are located on the bank of Wenli Lake, the central area of High-Speed Railway New Town, and the Intelligent Island, which is the important area for driving the development of the High-Speed Railway New Town to the east and south.

The competition is hosted by the People's Government of Quzhou Municipality, organized by the Administration Committee of Quzhou Smart New City, and co-organized by Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.

The competition consists of 2 projects. Project #1 is the Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings, and Project #2 is the Intelligent Island Landmark Buildings.

Project #1 Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings are located at the gateway area of Quzhouxi Railway Station, and will be built into the highest buildings in the central area of Quzhou. Project #1 is open for institutions and individuals, while the review will be organized separately. It is not allowed to submit the same Concept Proposal to both the competition review for institutions and individuals.

Project #2 Intelligent Island Landmark Buildings are located in the important area of the High-Speed Railway New Town, which will drive the development of the city to the east and south. It will be built into the landmark buildings leading the development of innovative industries in Intelligent Island. Project #2 is open for institutions only.

For institutions, participating in Project #1 and Project #2 at the same time is allowed.


△ 项目区位示意图 ©有方
△ Project Location Diagram ©POSITION


△ 标段分布图 ©有方
△ Project Sites Diagram ©POSITION

竞赛目标Competition Objectives

The competition aims to construct landmark buildings representing the image of Quzhou. Designers are encouraged to propose creative and diversified design concepts based on their understanding of background and culture of the city from multiple perspectives, and interpret the significance of landmark buildings to the city in multiple dimensions. Design key points include:

先锋 · 未来


链接 · 共享


在地 · 共融


艺术 · 美感


Pioneer · Future

Show cutting-edge architectural ideas, and represent the pioneering and future spirit of the city; innovations are encouraged.

Connection · Share

Build the anchor point and highest place of the High-Speed Railway New Town of Quzhou. Promote the interaction between buildings and city, and stimulate public vitality.

Site-Specific · Inclusion

Integrate cultural elements, and consider local characteristics and landscape resources to create a unique city symbol.

Artistic · Aesthetic

Create timeless classic architectural works and build it into a focal point of urban art and culture.

项目概况Project Overview

Project #1: Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings

Project #1 Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings are located on the west bank of Wenli Lake. Wenli Lake, located in the central core area of the High-Speed Railway New Town, is the key node of the planned water system of High-Speed Railway New Town, linking the north and south. The project is located on the important city central axis from Quzhouxi Railway Station to Wenli Lake. Together with those famous landmark buildings gathering here, which include Quzhou Sports Park, Quzhouxi Railway Station, etc., the project will establish an iconic architectural sequence of the High-Speed Railway New Town, and create an image of a pioneer city.


△ 标段#1场地区位示意图 ©有方
Project #1 Site Location Diagram ©POSITION

The project contains 3 plots. It is planned to build 2 or 3 high-rise/ultra high-rise buildings, with main functions including commercial, office, retail, conference & exhibition, leisure & entertainment, etc. The total site area of the project is about 30290 square meters, and the FAR is 4.0 to 5.0. The overall building height restriction is 150 meters. The building height of the design scheme must not exceed the height restriction, but should be as close to the building height restriction as possible. Designers shall propose a conceptual design with iconic and recognizable features, and carry out corresponding functional planning. Attention should be paid to dealing with the relationship between Wenli Lake and the buildings. The conceptual design has the possibility of partially or fully putting into construction in the future. Each plot should have the conditions for independent construction.


△ 标段#1场地示意图 ©有方
Project #1 Site Diagram ©POSITION


△ 标段#1场地鸟瞰图,江山路上空自南向北视角 ©有方
Project #1 Aerial Photo of the Site, Over Jiangshan Rd., South to North ©POSITION

Click the image below to check the panorama of the Project #1 site.

△ 标段#1场地视频 ©有方
Project #1 Site Video ©POSITION

竞赛规则(机构组)Competition Rules (for Institutions)

The competition consists of 2 separate projects that are open for registration. A design company can register for both or only one of the 2 projects. The competition adopts the method of Open Call, which includes 3 phases: concept proposal, design competition and final evaluation.


Phase I: Concept Proposal
The first phase adopts the method of “anonymous review”. Each applicant can only submit ONE Concept Proposal for each project. The Concept Proposal Review Committee shall determine 5 shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and 2 alternative applicants (with ranking).

Phase II: Design Competition
The second phase adopts the method of “open review”, and the chief designer shall conduct a presentation during the Scheme Review Meeting. The co-organizer will send detailed materials including Competition Document to shortlisted applicants, and organize a site visit and Q&A session. Each shortlisted applicant shall submit only ONE Design Scheme for each project. For each project, the committee will determine 3 finalists (without ranking), and the remaining 2 shortlisted applicants (without ranking) will receive the Shortlist Prizes.

Phase III: Final Evaluation
The Final Evaluation Committee will determine 1 First Prize for each project from the 3 finalists recommended by the Scheme Review Committee. The First Prize winner will receive the corresponding competition bonus and will be responsible for the follow-up design work after the competition. The other 2 finalists will receive the Second Prize. The 2 Second Prizes and the 4 Shortlist Prizes will receive the corresponding competition bonus.

It is allowed that one applicant participates in 2 projects, and the applicant could be shortlisted and become the winner for both projects as well.

竞赛奖金(机构组)Competition Awards (for Institutions)

After announcing the competition results, there are possibilities of partially or fully putting the design scheme of the First Prize for each project into construction in the future. The winner is required to conduct the follow-up design on the basis of the First Prize design works according to the comments of the juries and the host/organizer (including but not limited to making appropriate adjustments to the spatial layout and building façade). The detailing level of the follow-up design works shall be a conceptual design scheme. The final scheme should be approved by the host/organizer. The awards and bonus for institutions are set as follows:


报名要求(机构组)Application Requirements (for Institutions)

1. 本次竞赛包含的2个标段独立接受报名。参赛单位可同时报名参与2个标段或其中的1个。报名时应明确参与的标段。每个标段对应一套独立、完整的概念提案报名文件。
2. 境内外独立法人企业或机构均可报名参加。
3. 不设资质要求。
4. 参赛单位可单独作为参赛申请人,或与其他参赛单位组成联合体参赛申请人(以下简称联合体)报名,联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过2家。联合体各成员需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,明确牵头单位和各方的分工、权益份额比例等。中国境外(含港澳台地区)参赛单位如在中国境内无子公司或分公司,允许独立报名,但为保障后续沟通及方案技术性指标符合规范,必须在概念提案初审入围后、提交《参赛确认函》前,与1家境内单位组成联合体参加后续竞赛。
5. 参赛申请人须在报名材料中指定1至2名主创设计师,项目团队可包含建筑设计、结构设计、城市设计、建筑策划等多专业人员。为保证设计人员对本次竞赛背景和相关要求有准确理解,主要设计人员中应至少有一名以汉语为母语的成员。
6. 参与本次竞赛的设计人员应为其所属设计单位的在册人员。主创设计师须在本次竞赛全过程及后续工作中真正负责主导本项目设计工作,包括但不限于出席踏勘答疑会、方案汇报等。在本次竞赛过程中,如发现主创设计师与递交材料中的人员不符,主办单位/承办单位有权取消其参赛资格。
7. 法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人企业或机构,母公司及其全资子公司,相互有控股关系的公司,视为同一参赛单位,不得同时以多个参赛申请人名义报名同一标段。
8. 一个参赛单位可加入最多两个不同的联合体,分别报名不同的标段。联合体各方不得再单独或以其他名义与其他企业或机构组成其他联合体报名同一标段。
9. 标段#1机构组参赛设计团队中的成员,不得再报名参加个人组竞赛。
10. 针对标段#1,同一参赛方案不得同时提交至机构组和个人组。
1. The competition consists of 2 separate projects that are open for registration. A design company can register for both or only one of the 2 projects. The applicant should specify the project it is participating in when they register. For each project, a set of separate, complete Concept Proposal Application Documents should be submitted.
2. Domestic or overseas entities with legal business registration are welcome to participate.
3. There is no qualification requirement.
4. A design company can register independently or form a consortium applicant (hereinafter referred to as "the consortium") with other design companies. One consortium shall include no more than 2 members (including the leading member). All members of the consortium shall sign the Consortium Agreement legally, and clarify the division of workload and equity share of the leading member and the others. Overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) design companies without subsidiaries or branches in China can register independently, but if shortlisted, they must form a consortium with a domestic company before submitting the Confirmation Letter to participate in the following competition phases, in order to ensure smooth communication and technical compliance of the scheme.
5. The applicant must designate 1 or 2 chief designers in the application documents. Applicants composed of professionals in architectural design, structural design, urban design, architectural planning and etc. are encouraged. To ensure that the designers have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of the competition, at least one of the major design team members should be a native Chinese speaker.
6. The designers involved in this competition should be the registered staff of the corresponding design company. The chief designers must be truly responsible for the project during the whole process of the competition and the follow-up work including but not limited to site visit and Q&A session, and final presentation, etc. If it is found that the actual chief designers do not match the persons submitted in the application materials during the competition, the host/organizer has the right to disqualify the applicant.
7. Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative, parent companies and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, companies that have a controlling relationship with each other shall be regarded as the same applicant and shall not submit the application in the same project.
8. A design company can participate in no more than 2 consortiums to apply for different projects. Each member of the consortium shall not submit the application in the same project as another consortium with other companies.
9. The design team members of the Project #1 institutional applicants are not allowed to apply for the competition as individual applicant.
10. In Project #1, It is not allowed to submit the same Concept Proposal to both the competition review for institutions and individuals.

概念提案初审结果(机构组)Shortlist (for Institutions)


Concept Proposal Review Committee

In Alphabetical Order by Name

崔彤(评审组长) CUI Tong (Jury Chair)

National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Architect of China Construction Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., LTD

董功 DONG Gong

Foreign Member of French Academy of Architecture
Founder and Chief Architect of Vector Architects

胡倩 HU Qian

矶崎新 + 胡倩工作室中国合伙人
Partner of ISOZAKI + HuQian Partners

马岩松 MA Yansong

Founder and Principal Partner of MAD Architects

吴钢 WU Gang

Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Designer of WSP Architects

张应鹏 ZHANG Yingpeng

Design Master of Jiangsu Province
Partner and Chief Architect of 9-Town Design Studio for Urban Architecture

钟兵 ZHONG Bing

Vice President of Architectural Design of AECOM China

入围结果 Shortlist


Concept Proposal Review Committee also selected the Top 19 of Project #1 (for institutions, without ranking), other applicants of the Top 19 are as follows:


评审结果(机构组)Finalist (for Institutions)


Scheme Review Committee

In Alphabetical Order by Name

王建国(评审组长) WANG Jianguo (Jury Chair)

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Southeast University

董功 DONG Gong

Foreign Member of French Academy of Architecture
Founder and Chief Architect of Vector Architects

华黎 HUA Li

Founder and Chief Architect of Trace Architecture Office (TAO)

李晓东 LI Xiaodong

Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
2010 Aga Khan Award for Architecture

任力之 REN Lizhi

Vice President and Chief Architect of Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.

肖诚 XIAO Cheng

Engineering Survey and Design Master of Shenzhen
Founder and Chief Architect of Shenzhen Huahui Design

张雷 ZHANG Lei

Design Master of Jiangsu Province
Professor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University

评审结果 Finalist


竞赛结果(机构组)Competition Results (for Institutions)

Publicity Period: July 29, 2024 - July 31, 2024

The Final Evaluation Committee voted by open ballot (one-round vote) and determined that office PROJECT had won the First Prize, while the other 2 finalists were awarded the Second Prizes. The competition results are as follows:


标段#1获奖方案展示(机构组)Winning Scheme Gallery of Project #1 (for Institutions)

First Prize


Second Prize


Second Prize

SOCIETY PARTICULAR(牵头单位)// 北京祚诚建筑设计咨询有限公司

Shortlist Prize


Shortlist Prize

上海一砼建筑规划设计有限公司(牵头单位)// Haptic Architects Ltd

知识产权条款(机构组节选)Intellectual Property Rights (Excerpt for institutions)

Please refer to the Work Rules (for institutions) for details.

1. 参赛申请人应保证参赛成果中所有内容均为参赛申请人原创,不得包含任何侵犯第三方知识产权的内容及资料。参赛申请人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密等合法权益所引起的全部法律及经济责任由参赛申请人承担。
The applicant shall ensure that all contents of the design works are originally produced by itself and contain no contents which may infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party. Otherwise, the applicant involved in infringement upon the intellectual property rights, proprietary technology, commercial secrets or other legal rights will be held liable to bear all legal and economic consequences.

2. 中选申请人参赛成果的知识产权,属于中选申请人所有。对中选申请人提交的参赛成果,主办单位/承办单位在与中选申请人签订奖金合同/协议后,享有独占使用权(仅限于本项目)。未中选的入围申请人参赛成果的知识产权,属于未中选的入围申请人所有,主办单位/承办单位与未中选入围申请人签订奖金合同/协议后,在不照搬原设计的情况下可以借鉴使用局部设计亮点(仅限于本项目)。
The intellectual property rights of the design works of the winner belong to the winner. For the design works of the winner, the host/organizer has the exclusive right to use the winning design works (only in this project) after signing the bonus agreement/contract with the winner. The intellectual property rights of the design works of shortlisted but not-winning applicant belong to its own. The host/organizer has the right to partially adopt and integrate the design ideas of the shortlisted but not-winning applicant without copying the original design in this project (only this project) after signing the bonus agreement/contract with shortlisted but not-winning applicant.

3. 入围申请人对参赛成果的宣传应事先征得主办单位/承办单位书面同意。主办单位/承办单位及组织策划单位有权对申请人提交的部分或全部参赛成果进行发布、宣传、出版和展示,但应注明设计方的名称。
The shortlisted applicant should obtain the prior written consent of the host/organizer before promoting its design works. The host/organizer and co-organizer have the right to use the design works for promotion, publication and display, while the name of the applicant should be mentioned.

4. 方案评审前,参赛申请人及相关人员,未征得主办单位/承办单位的同意,不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示其参赛成果及任何竞赛相关的信息和资料,否则被依法追究相应责任,并取消其本次竞赛的参赛或获奖资格。
Before the Scheme Review, applicants or other related personnel are not allowed to disclose, make public or display the design works or any competition-related information/materials in any manner without the permission of the host/organizer. Otherwise, the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability and the applicants will be disqualified from participating in or winning the competition.

竞赛规则(个人组)Competition Rules (for Individuals)

Individual applicants are only allowed to participate in Project #1. Individual applicants shall submit their information and Concept Proposal as required, and each person (group) will be allowed to submit only ONE Concept Proposal.

The committee adopts the method of "anonymous review" to evaluate the Concept Proposal, and determine 5 winning proposals, including 1 First Prize for individuals, 1 Second Prize for individuals and 3 Excellence Prizes for individuals. The list of winners and the winning proposals will be announced and displayed through the project homepage and other platforms.

竞赛奖金(个人组)Competition Awards (for Individuals)

The awards and bonus for individuals are set as follows:


报名要求(个人组)Application Requirements (for Individuals)

1. 未参与标段#1文礼湖地标机构组报名的职业建筑师、独立设计师、在校学生或设计爱好者,均可以个人或组队方式报名参与个人组的竞赛。
2. 以组队方式报名的,团队成员人数不得超过5人。每组选取1名成员作为项目负责人(负责组内工作协调及竞赛联络等相关事宜)。
3. 同一个人不得提交两个或以上报名,不得同时单独并组队报名,不得加入不同的团队报名。
4. 鼓励参赛团队跨专业组建,可包含建筑设计、城市设计、结构设计、建筑策划、艺术设计等多专业成员。
5. 报名个人组的,不得同时作为机构组的设计团队成员参加标段#1机构组竞赛。
1. Professional architects, independent designers, students or design enthusiasts who do not participate in the Project #1 for institutions can register individually or in teams as individual applicant.
2. One team shall include no more than 5 members. One of the team members should be the project leader (responsible for coordination work within the team, contacting and other related affair) for the team.
3. The same person shall not submit two or more applications, shall not register as an individual and in a team at the same time, and shall not join different teams for registration.
4. Teams composed of members of architectural design, urban design, structural design, architectural planning, art design and other disciplines are encouraged.
5. Those who register as individual applicant are not allowed to participate in Project #1 as design team members of the institutional applicant.

创意方案评审委员会(个人组) Concept Proposal Review Committee


Concept Proposal Review Committee for individual competition was the same as the Concept Proposal Review Committee for institutions.

竞赛结果(个人组) Award Winners (for Individuals)


Concept Proposal Review Committee also selected the Top 21 of Project #1 (for individuals, without ranking), other applicants of the Top 21 are as follows:


标段#1获奖方案展示(个人组)Winning Scheme Gallery of Project #1

First Prize

何泳如 / 深圳一加壹设计有限公司

Second Prize

晏涛(主创) / 杭州市规划设计研究院

Excellence Prize

黄梓言 / 深圳市立方建筑设计顾问有限公司
刘可言 / 深圳成行建筑设计有限公司

Excellence Prize

范奎 / 上海杰地建筑设计有限公司
宁宁 / 德建建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司

Excellence Prize

Guillermo Lesch / lesch.alfaro
Leticia Alfaro / lesch.alfaro
Facundo Garcia Berro / lesch.alfaro

知识产权条款(个人组节选)Intellectual Property Rights (Excerpt for individuals)

Please refer to the Work Rules (for individuals) for details.

1. 参赛申请人应保证参赛成果中所有内容均为参赛申请人原创,不得包含任何侵犯第三方知识产权的内容及资料。参赛申请人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密等合法权益所引起的全部法律及经济责任由参赛申请人承担。
The applicant shall ensure that all contents of the design works are originally produced by itself and contain no contents which may infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party. Otherwise, the applicant involved in the infringement of the intellectual property rights, proprietary technology, commercial secrets or other legal rights will be held liable to bear all the legal and economic consequences.

2. 获奖人参赛成果的知识产权,属于主办单位/承办单位所有,但署名权在内法定不可转让的除外。
The intellectual property rights of the design works of the winners belong to the host/organizer, except for those that are legally non-transferable, including the right of authorship.

3. 获奖人对其参赛成果的宣传推广应事先征得主办单位/承办单位书面同意。主办单位/承办单位及组织策划单位有权对参赛申请人提交的部分或全部参赛成果进行发布、宣传、出版和展示,但应注明设计方的名称。
The winners should obtain the written permission from the host/organizer before publication and promotion. The host/organizer and co-organizer have the right to use the design works for promotion, publication and display, while the name of the applicant should be mentioned.

4. 个人组创意方案评审结果发布前,参赛申请人及相关人员,未征得主办单位/承办单位的同意,不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示其参赛成果及任何竞赛相关的信息和资料,否则将被依法追究相应责任,并取消其本次竞赛的参赛或获奖资格。
Before the announcement of the Concept Proposal Review Meeting Results for Individuals, applicants or other related personnel are not allowed to disclose, make public or display the design works or any competition-related information or materials in any manner without the permission of the host/organizer. Otherwise, the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability and the applicant will be disqualified from participating in or winning the competition.

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主办单位 Host
The People's Government of Quzhou Municipality

承办单位 Organizer
Administration Committee of Quzhou Smart New City

策划代理 Co-organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.

项目邮箱 Project Email

咨询电话/微信 Phone/WeChat
詹女士 +86-18028798106
林先生 +86-18038132407
* 咨询时间:工作日9:00—18:30
* 有方2023年春节假期:2023年1月15日—1月29日
Ms. Zhan, +86-18028798106
Mr. Lin, +86-18038132407
* Inquiry Hours: 9:00–18:30 on Workdays
* Holiday for Spring Festival of POSITION: January 15 to January 29, 2023